Class 12 English Solution

by Developer Manish



This application contains class 12 english NCERT Solutions Chapter wise with summary and question & answers. This application contains class 12 english two book solutions -First Flight &Footprints Without Feet.This application contain 2 section of class 10 english book and 22 chapter of both book. I think this app is must have app for class 12 student.This app contains Questions Answers of all the chapters included in the CBSE Class 12 NCERT English.Topics include in this application:-Class 12 English Flamingo ProseChapter 1- The Last LessonChapter 2- Lost SpringChapter 3- Deep WaterChapter 4- The RattrapChapter 5- IndigoChapter 6- Poets and PancakesChapter 7- The InterviewChapter 8- Going PlacesClass 12 English Flamingo PoemChapter 1: A Mother At Sixty-SixChapter 2: An Elementry School Classroom in a SlumChapter 3: Keeping QuietChapter 4: A Thing of BeautyChapter 5: A Roadside StandChapter 6: Aunt Jennifers TigersClass 12 English VistasChapter 1: The Third LevelChapter 2: The Tiger KingChapter 3: Journey to the End of the EarthChapter 4: The EnemyChapter 5: Should Wizard Hit MommyChapter 6: On the Face of itChapter 7: Evans Tries an O-LevelChapter 8: Memories of ChildhoodMain Features:1. This app is in easy English Language.2. Clear Font for better readability.This app is aggregate of chapter wise solution of class 12 english textbook in most systematically way. It will help in quick revision if you liked our app. Please rate us.